The Little House of Hope and Prayer has been in operation at 18 Holmes Road since Sunday February 6th and God has blessed us! The renovations on the inside are mostly completed, and we will soon be moving to the outside to replace the siding. . We need everyone’s help working together to accomplish all that God has for us. Our new facility, is at 18 Holmes Road in Waterboro. God is not in the buildings made with hands, but he is in the hearts, souls and minds of the people that carry His Word. The Greatest Gift, who are the overseers of the Little House of Hope & Prayer, are very responsible, dedicated, ministry minded, and financially capable of handling the complete oversight of the building project. The Greatest Gift, and the Little House of Hope and Prayer, working together, have come up with ways to donate to the cause that we believe will bring many to the saving knowledge of Christ, not only in our community, but around the world. These are just a few.
- The Greatest Gift’s Merchandise Sale This would be the sale of The Greatest Gift’s albums, t-shirts, hats, mugs etc. If you’d like to purchase one of our items from our merchandise line, for $20 or more, we will send you our album “Come Into His Presence.” Or if you buy 2, it’s $35.00. IF you buy 3, it’s $50. For 4 it’s $65.00 and for 5 it’s $80.00. This is one of the ways we will try to raise money for the building program. Click the link above to go to our store.
- Donations: We will take donations and apply them to the building program. Click the link to make your donation to help us expand and lead more souls to becoming rescued, saved, and Heaven bound. Thank you for your support.
- Ice Cream Socials in the Community